Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Year decorations

February 14th is Chinese New Year, or what they call "Spring Festival" here.  The kids are off of school for a month and everyone is off of work the week of new year.  We are just getting out of here before the entire country goes on snooze.  The shops here on the island are already closing up for the festival.  We've watched the hotels and local areas get more and more decorated during our stay.  Two decorations that are everywhere are orange trees flanking the entrance of nearly every door and the customary red lanterns hanging in the trees.  The lanterns are really cool at night when they are lit up.
I thought all the orange bushes were fake at first.  They look like bushes that have oranges tied all over them but then I realized they are actually real oranges.  Our guide told us they eat the oranges after new year.  They had some of them on the breakfast buffet today and Claire knew just what to do with them.  We tried them and they taste a lot like mandarin oranges but there are some seeds in them.

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