Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Contributing to Claire's Quilt

I apologize if the letter for Claire's quilt was confusing. This is how you can contribute a square and a wish (affectionately known as a squish) to Claire's quilt and scrapbook.

1. Pick a fabric you like. Wash it and then cut a 10x10 inch square; this will be sewn into her quilt. **This is a change from the letter. The pattern I bought will work better for a 10x10 inch square of fabric.**
2. Cut a small scrap of the fabric to be included on a wish that will go into her scrapbook.
3. Write a wish; this can be small or large, ornate or simple. Attach the fabric scrap to the wish so Claire can match her wishes to the fabrics in her quilt.

Here are a few examples of squishes we've received so far.

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