Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not the right time

Well, after a couple days to really think about the way I'm feeling I called the adoption agency and told them that I don't think this girl is right for us. I hope another family feels called to adopt this princess and give her a family. Along with the feelings of uncertainties I have realized that I think we are more ready to answer the call than earlier this year and should move forward to make this a reality. We plan to get on a waiting list and when the right child comes along we will be asked to review her file. I have to trust in God's plan for us even though my heart aches for another little girl.

Monday, November 17, 2008

long time, no see

After a long absence from any writing in the adoption blog, I have returned. Hopefully nobody checks the blog anymore so for awhile I can blog out my own feelings of what is going on. I'll just pretend I'm alone in here.

I have been checking different agency webpages of children that are currently waiting in China for several months. Most have a special need but some are simply children that are older and their special need is just that- they are over the age of what most people want to adopt. Late last week I inquired about 2 little girls, one 6 years old, one 7 years old. The 6 year old had a special need that I felt I was willing to accept but after reading her file I didn't feel that 'connection' that made me think she might be right for us. I then inquired about the 7 year old who is by all measures, healthy. I could hardly keep my hiney on the chair with every paragraph I read. I instantly emailed J asking him just how quick we could financially afford an adoption. Of course, nothing is as quick as you'd like!

We discussed it Friday night and this morning I started calling agencies here in the state that could perform our homestudy if all of this comes to fruition. I honestly don't know how we would do it financially, but if this little girl is meant to be in our family I truly have faith that God will show us the way to make it happen. Christmas may be suspended for all except our children.