After several years of the thought of adoption in both of our heads and several weeks of truly hashing out details and talking to the kids we have decided to go forth and make our first step in adopting a little girl from China! I have always felt a calling from God to adopt internationally and knew I would never be able to fulfill that calling on my own accord. We are truly relying on faith at this time to lead us in the direction that is the best for our family. This is not an inexpensive way to add to our family as well, so we pray daily that God will lead us on our journey in a way that we can remain true to our debt free principles.
This will be a long road; we are merely at the starting line of a marathon. I want to jump the gun and start sprinting but I know that will only cause us to tire early and grow frustrated in the middle of the wait. China has the most extensive list of requirements of any country, we are starting now to gather those documents before our move so we can finish our home study once we move to MO. They also require an $80,000 net worth and we are just a bit short of that number. We may have to delay our dossier (paperwork packet) until we are able to meet that net worth requirement or find creative things to count as value. :)